Speechcraft is a "crash course" in effective communication, a highly effective introduction to developing your communication and leadership skills... teaching participants the basics of public speaking in a six week course. No prior experience in public speaking is necessary.
The course is conducted in a friendly supportive environment. A professional camaraderie forms between course participants and presenters during the course, all of which makes the learning process enjoyable.
Course participant number is restricted to 10. Learning is delivered by members of the three mainstream Toastmasters clubs in Tamworth... Sun-Up Speakers, Tamworth Communicators and Tamworth Toastmasters.
Participants each receive access to a wealth of online resource material via the Toastmasters Pathways education program and deliver a number of prepared and impromptu speeches during the course.
In the early stages of the course, presenters deliver educational sessions designed to help participants to improve their confidence speaking in front of others, communication skills, presentation skills and speech preparation skills.
Speechcraft is a hands-on course, meaning that course participants learn by doing. Participants usually deliver speeches every other week of the course, receiving constructive feedback and evaluation.
Educationals cover such topics as Topic Selection, How To Prepare Your Speech, Gestures & Body Language, Voice & Vocal Variety, Presentation & Delivery Techniques, How To Evaluate Other Speakers and Meeting Procedure.
The Toastmasters Pathways education program provides valuable reference material for participants during and after completing the course. At the end of the course, participants graduate and receive a course completion certificate.
Speechcrafters become members of Toastmasters for the duration of the course and are encouraged to continue training in communication as full time members but this is, of course, optional. Speechcrafters can continue as members in either of the two evening clubs (one twice monthly on a Monday, the other twice monthly on a Wednesday) or the breakfast club which meets twice monthly on a Thursday.
Continuation of membership requires payment of a moderate twice yearly fee.